I am also worried that people might read these comments and put off going to A&E when there really need to.I agree if people need to go to the A&E no matter how awkward it is to get to,go.This blog/website has not been set up to deter people from using the A&E services when needed.
The email from Teresa Smyth...
I have just read your blog page for the 1st time and it has made me very cross. As much as I am against the closures of both A&E departments, I think you should think about the poor poor staff that have to work in Antrim. Webpage's like this will just make patients cross before they even arrive at the department and this agree will then be taken out on the staff.
Plus if people like it or not they have to use Antrim A&E so hearing "scary" story of what happened to other people within the department will increase there worry level and we all know how worrying having to attend hospital can be in the 1st place.
As I worked in Antrim for years I know about all the faults but I think people have to understand that the people there are doing there best under very hard conditions.
Sorry for my little rant but I just had to say it